But those who come to us sword in hand will die by the sword!
“Alexander Nevsky” was created by two Russian geniuses who had both experienced the making of popular films in Hollywood. Instead of an esoteric art film, they made a Hollywood Western movie to alert their countrymen to the threat of German invasion.
The masterpiece by the two Sergeis, Eisenstein and Prokofiev, allow film audiences to hear the film and music audiences to see the music. “On Friday night, the score turned the screen into an epic stage: the screen returned the compliment. And film scoring made a case for itself as an operatic art.” — NY Times
Prince Alexander Nevsky — Nikolai Cherkassov
Vassily Buslai — N.P. Okhlopkov
Gavrilo Olexich — A.L. Abrikossov
Ignat — D.N Orlov
Pavsha — V.K. Novikov
Damash — N.N. Arski
Amefla Timofeyevna — V.O. Massalitinova
Olga — V.S. Ivasheva
Vassilissa — A.S. Danilova
Sergei M. Eisenstein
D.I. Vassiliev
Sergei Prokofiev
Sergei M. Eisenstein
Peter A. Pavlenko
Edward Tisse
Producer: John Goberman
Music Adaptation: William D. Brohn
Subtitles: Sonya Friedman
Music Copying and Preparation: Peggy Serra
Technical Supervision: Pat McGillen
Running Time: 112 minutes
A Symphonic Night at the Movies is a production of PGM Productions, Inc. (New York) and appears by arrangement with IMG Artists.
2 Flutes
2 Oboes
English Horn
2 Clarinets
Bass Clarinet
Bb Tenor Sax
2 Bassoons
4 French Horns
3 Trumpets
3 Trombones
1 Tuba
1 Timpani
5 Percussion
1 Organ
1 Harp
Maureen Taylor
Senior Vice President
7 West 54th Street
New York, NY 10019 USA
Tel: +1 212.994.3535
Fax: +1 212.994.3550
Email Maureen
Femke Kristin Lenau
Director of Operations, Europe
Film with Orchestra & Artists
IMG Artists GmbH
Rathenaustraße 12, D 30159
Hannover, Germany
Tel: +49 511 20 300 879
Email Femke
Meera Vijayendra
Asia/Pacific Consultant
Tel: +60 12 372 0307
Email Meera